Tuaran, Thurs. June 11, 2009 – Gardening would be a great activity for the family. Imagine whatever we plant in the garden, grow and grow as what we want it to be. And, when we grow vegetables, we can enjoy the revenue. Even more, we can share them with the others. My sister very much proud of her vegetable garden, which she initiate together with her hardworking husband and sons. She plants mostly local vegetables such as “sayur ubi”, “sayur manis”, “kangkung” and etc.
My aunts and cousin, enjoying themselves in the garden. I’m not sure, my cousin is helping in plucking the veges or just do some possing for the gallery. They really enjoying themselves in the garden and encourage others to do the same. My sister’s even suggested, for me to plant vegetables in my backyards. Well, I did already but actually to be honest, my servant did it ha..ha…now I have small vegetables garden, in my backyard with some “cili padi”, “pokok kasturi”, “serai”, “sayur manis” and some forgot the names.